Thursday, November 11, 2010

Interview with Michael C. Hayes! (And the Lily Queen)

[This work belongs to Mike Hayes, a direct link from his blog.]

I am taking the time to thank Mike Hayes. 
[] []

For class we were asked to find an illustrator whom we admired very much and to interview them. Not only was Mike one of three that responded to my inquiry, but he was the one artist out of the 25 that I approached that I really hoped would reply.

He gave me a lot of wonderful advice and some great insight into the industry I hope to break into. He also gave me hope that traditional art isn't dead! I'm going to really dive into this, listing my questions, his responses and why I feel everything he said is so valid and important for students to know. (In case you didn't catch it, that is my warning that this is going to be a rather long journal entry.)

To give some excerpts from his thoughtful replies...

The Interview
  • Kim: How did you put together your portfolio and did you select your work based on the markets, subject matter or style?
  •  Mike: I started out targeting myself towards the gaming market.  (Trading card games and role-playing games).   First and foremost I only put my absolute best work, if I was unsure of an illustration I cut it out.  A.D.s in that market typically want to see very strong drawing and painting skills,  energetic and/or iconic figures,  strong figure ground relationships and silhouettes (card illustrations are reproduced at 2 inches,  so this is key for that kind of work) and an overall sense of "cool" that will appeal to the 16-32 year old male demographic.  I should also note that I didn't put together this portfolio from a pre-existing body of work (student work, figure drawings etc...)   I built it, from the ground up for this market.
[[I thought that this response by itself was brilliant. Most art students attempt to break out into the industry with work that they had from assignments that they had done all through their years of college. What they do not realize is that these works are a part of the process to become the professional that you dream and aspire to be. He approached the field he wanted to work in very carefully and selectively and made sure that he fit to their needs, a great way to ensure that you will work in the industry you love.]]

  • Kim: What were the most difficult aspects of illustration in school, after graduation at the start of your career and now?
  • Mike: They haven’t changed:  Coming up with a good idea/composition and getting stuff done in a timely manner. The better I get at the first, the higher the bar is for the next piece. The faster I paint, the more jobs I seem to get and/or more work I put into each piece.
[[I am so glad that the things I find important and work so hard on now are always going to be important. So many times, students around me seem to give up on their ideas. They stop working half-way through development and don't push themselves for the following works. I love that my passionate way of working and looking at this will help me on this path.]]

  • Kim: What do you think the best tools are to promoting yourself as an illustrator?
  • Mike: Good work, the single best thing you can do to promote yourself is to do really, really good work. People will take notice and talk about you if you do.  You do have to get it out there….  Internet communities, conventions, networking among artists, illustration annuals, mailers etc….   They are all solid options, but if you want to be remembered your work has to be memorable.  The best promotion in the world isn’t gonna help a ho-hum portfolio.
[[Oh thank God! No really. This made me laugh and made me really happy. I know my work isn't there yet, but I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that knows this! I've always struggled with my work being strong enough and, as he said, memorable. But reading this made me want to restart every project I was working on at that time and do it even better. This is great advice to all artists, never stop striving and working hard. Your work is will get itself noticed.]]

  • Kim: What advice would you give to an illustration student?
  •  Mike: 2 things: equally important:

    Work hard, very, very hard:  The biggest impediment to success I see amongst aspiring artists is just not taking it seriously enough.  This is an intensely competitive field and there is simply no room for anyone but the most dedicated.  Treat it like the Olympics or a major league sport. That is how hard you have to train.  I don’t know the exact numbers, but I am willing to bet that the ratio of “wanna-be’s” to “get-to-be’s” is probably the same in both fields. 

    Work smart, very, very smart:  I know people who have been drawing the same shitty ten drawings in their sketchbook for 5+ years.  They won’t look at reference because that is “cheating”, they won’t study anatomy because it is boring, and any criticism of their work is met with “that’s my style”. They put in the hours,  but get nowhere. You need to be the exact opposite of these people.  If your work isn’t improving and you are putting in the hours, then you are putting in those hours the wrong way and you need to change something.  You must take a proactive role in your own education.  You need to be constantly seeking out instruction, advice and criticism (and learn to differentiate the good from the bad). Use every tool available to you to help advance your skill.  Always be very aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it.  Always have that next level in mind and a plan on how to get there.  Always have one or two very specific aspects of your craft at a time you are paying extra attention to (anatomy, perspective, composition etc…).  Drawing is a very cerebral exercise, and like physical exercise it should both wear you out and produce results.  Simply moving your wrist and “getting the bad drawings out of the way” is not enough in the same way that doing a whole lot of walking will not get you to the Olympics. 

[[This response literally left me sitting in front of my computer staring with a huge smile on my face. The first point he makes made me nod in complete agreement, but his second point? Really inspiring. The frustrations that he voices are the exact ones that I have almost every day with artists who use "style" as their excuse for crappy art. And I'll have to say as many times before: Shit is not a style. I love how Mike looks at things, how he sees art and how hard he works on his own.]]

My advice to any artists working out there: professional, casual or otherwise. Work your ass off and make sure you're always kicking your own. We depend on each other in this world of collaboration. We inspire each other and need to make sure that we are always working hard, striving to learn, and excited to live.

[[I did not include the full interview. If anyone wants to know everything he said, send me an email and I'll send it. ;) I'm trying to keep some of it a surprise for the presentation I'm doing next week!]]



I have to say I'm pleased with this work. I spent a great deal of time on it and I think it a good sign of the direction that I'm headed in. I still wish that this had been the last project for this class as it would have been a great place to stop at, but no! There is one more! And I'm going to try to make it be better than this one! :)  ( Cuz hey, what's the point if you don't keep striving to do your best? )

Please be sure to full view so you can see all the fun texture. :)

I feel like I have learned so much from these assignments and the process has really taught me a new way to think. The first one was the final for this assignment, and the second one was my practice sample where I tried out any thing I could think of to try differently with the technique that our professor showed us.

For the final, we have this weekend to work on it and it is due on Thursday of next week. I'm pretty nervous, but hey, it will be a good taste of what being a really illustrator is like, won't it?

Well, its Thursday today and technically a SCAD weekend. Happy Veteran's Day to all our Vets out there, thank you for your willingness and dedication to serve and protect our country. Not nearly enough people thank you<3

I must go now, a great deal of work lies ahead of me in this all too short weekend before finals. 

Good luck,


[[not sure why the bullets are being odd in format, i'll fiddle with this later]]

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Welcome to the Circus!

So I mentioned that I was completely reworking my circus characters, so here are my sketches for them. :) I've finished the second step for one of my characters: The Juggler and I'm pretty pleased with how she turned out. If anyone can catch the influence, you win a gold star!

And~~~~ here she is. :)

My juggler! I haven't touched her up yet in photoshop, so this is just the raw. This is pastel on recycled card of some kind, I really enjoy it. The texture makes for a challenging and interesting surface and I like how the texture looks on screen.

And yes, my sketches are usually that messy. I'll update this post again when I have more. 



Friday, October 29, 2010

Bad People, Good Things: A Presentation by John Foster

I mentioned that I was going to a lecture? Well, it was just as amazing as I thought it would be.

Mr. Foster began with a loud theme song and a presentation of books before him. And I have to say that my first impression of him was that he had loud shoes.

[All of these books were raffled off and given to students.]

[You can't see here, but he's wearing RED shoes. :)]

[This is my favorite piece of his that he showed.]

Overall, the presentation was fantastic. He was energetic and passionate, answered every question willingly and all in all, was a complete gooberbean. In my book, a great guy. He had some amazing advice and some really funny quotes such as "Use your creative urges for the forces of good!" and "It may help if you care about your client." My favorite tidbit he left me with was "See the opportunity not only for what it is but for what it may become."

Turns out I was one of the FEW non graphic design majors at this lecture and I think that is quite a shame. Most students here don't realize how often our majors overlap and how important it is to take advantage of these amazing minds that SCAD brings in to talk to us.

[[[Lecture presented by the AIGA–SCAD group along with Rockport Publishing.]]]

Currently I'm designing a series of circus characters with a focus on shape, color and texture. I'm testing out making images without any lines at all, which I hope will be most evident in my final mock-ups of these characters.

So far, all I have right now is my Jester. 

[Ignore the font, it was just for play.]

However, since I've been working on these concepts most of the night, my idea on this has changed dramatically so I will have those included in my next update.

I may use the above picture for something, but as of now I'm considering it a "for fun" drawing. My new stuff is looking rather enjoyable.

Professor Danawi had suggested we draw all of them in a straight sequence and THEN do the inking and etc... And I figured I would try it, it is helping a ton, especially since I want these people to look like they are from the same circus. Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bill Nelson, C.F. Payne and another day in illustration

Today we are going over our practice samples of our studies of Bill Nelson's technique []. He does beautiful works of art with colored pencils on toned paper. His works are beautiful and so carefully crafted with love. This fish was a quick study of his style in which I did layers of pencil work in the figure and ground and left a great deal of the tone of the paper in tact. It's also a test in simultaneous contrast. 

Today our professor was teaching us about C.F. Payne's work []. Just in case you don't know who he is -he is one of the greatest caricature artists of our time.

My professor Don Rogers has been given two pieces of art by C.F. Payne and he was able to show them to us in class today. He showed us how he (my professor) approached C.F. Payne's technique, but looking at the man's work, I have no idea how anyone could recreate something as lively as the things he's made.

The contrast between his finished and unfinished pieces amaze me. His craftsmanship is gorgeous and free and I love the vibrancy in his work with the woman coming out of the flower.

I love this class because we're learning about contemporary artists and exploring such a huge range of media and techniques. It really impacted me to see the work in person.

[[Class is Materials and Techniques II with Don Rogers, SCAD]]

For my other class, we are focusing on studying the different markets for illustration. We've done work for a magazine cover (The New Yorker cover that I showed in a previous post) as well as poster design (also in previous post), children's book illustration and now something more focused on advertising.

The following were the experiment with children's book illustration inspired by Edward Lear's limericks []

There was a Young Lady whose bonnet,
Came untied when the birds sate upon it;
But she said: 'I don't care!
All the birds in the air
Are welcome to sit on my bonnet!'

There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, 'It is just as I feared!
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!'

Ended up going with this one. The only requirement was that it be in black and white. Unfortunately, I probably chose the most difficult thing I could have done.

I'm planning on illustrating both of my original ideas over again but with more of a focus on mark-making and less specifically on stippling. 

[[Class is Intro to Illustration with Mohamed Danawi, SCAD]]

Going to a lecture about poster designs tonight. I'm really excited.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

dream a dream

When I think about the fact that I'm already a junior in college I almost can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was nervous about going to my first day and meeting professors. My experience here has been nothing short of exceptional. I've met people from all over the world; students from everywhere, professors with cultured experiences and so many people that SCAD brings in to talk with students (Can you say meeting Zahi Hawass in person?)

Since this is the first blog I've ever had and I plan on keeping it updated, I'm just going to say how I plan on structuring it. The first part of it is going to be recent art: finished, sketches, ideas, concepts, anything I've been thinking about lately. And next will be glimpses into my mind. Beware!

This year has been what I will call my official introduction into the world of Illustration. I've been learning about self promotion, opportunities that are available, about what's current, what's hot, what's important. I got to meet some very influential people, whom many of you may know: Chris Sickels [], Christoph Niemann [] , Anita Kunz [] and Yuko Shimizu [].

I'm more in love with life now than I've ever been. I'm learning, working hard and feel that everything is heading in the right direction.

Right now, I'm trying to develop my style and I'm drawing people more often in an attempt to capture that essence that is in every pair of eyes. My sketchbook is packed with patterns and designs. For some reason, I can never get them out of my head! I'll post them soon when my scanner feels like working again.

I'm really looking forward to the winter break. Why? I'm going to be building my website [official!] and I have a personal project that has been bouncing around in my head. ;) But we'll get to that when I can reveal more images.

Thanks for viewing! Have a great day. :)