Friday, October 29, 2010

Bad People, Good Things: A Presentation by John Foster

I mentioned that I was going to a lecture? Well, it was just as amazing as I thought it would be.

Mr. Foster began with a loud theme song and a presentation of books before him. And I have to say that my first impression of him was that he had loud shoes.

[All of these books were raffled off and given to students.]

[You can't see here, but he's wearing RED shoes. :)]

[This is my favorite piece of his that he showed.]

Overall, the presentation was fantastic. He was energetic and passionate, answered every question willingly and all in all, was a complete gooberbean. In my book, a great guy. He had some amazing advice and some really funny quotes such as "Use your creative urges for the forces of good!" and "It may help if you care about your client." My favorite tidbit he left me with was "See the opportunity not only for what it is but for what it may become."

Turns out I was one of the FEW non graphic design majors at this lecture and I think that is quite a shame. Most students here don't realize how often our majors overlap and how important it is to take advantage of these amazing minds that SCAD brings in to talk to us.

[[[Lecture presented by the AIGA–SCAD group along with Rockport Publishing.]]]

Currently I'm designing a series of circus characters with a focus on shape, color and texture. I'm testing out making images without any lines at all, which I hope will be most evident in my final mock-ups of these characters.

So far, all I have right now is my Jester. 

[Ignore the font, it was just for play.]

However, since I've been working on these concepts most of the night, my idea on this has changed dramatically so I will have those included in my next update.

I may use the above picture for something, but as of now I'm considering it a "for fun" drawing. My new stuff is looking rather enjoyable.

Professor Danawi had suggested we draw all of them in a straight sequence and THEN do the inking and etc... And I figured I would try it, it is helping a ton, especially since I want these people to look like they are from the same circus. Wish me luck!

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